Rejuvenation Community Day Center

Healing through Community

A safe and stable gathering center for people surviving homelessness

The Foundation of Homeless and Poverty Management, a non-profit organization focused on eliminating homelessness and structural poverty in Kitsap County, purchased a vacant medical office in mild disrepair to convert into a day center for people surviving homelessness. It is conveniently located on a major transit throughfare between commercial and residential zones by the Warren Avenue bridge. From the beginning, the team intuitively conceptualized the site as a healing space; as a place to rest, build community and find resources at one’s greatest time of need. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting decline of public infrastructure pushed the team to boldly reimagine what a day center can be with peace, dignity, and autonomy in mind. 

This 10,000 sf Rejuvenation Community Day Center will offer those surviving homelessness a place to shower, wash their clothes, get a haircut, access the internet, charge their phones, have a place to stay for the day, and receive full services such as SNAP, TANF, veteran’s affairs and BFET by various agencies. The Foundation plans to run its community programs, classes, and group sessions throughout the building and garden.  


Location   Bremerton, WA
Status   Design
Size   10,000 sf