Project Updates

First Day of School at Oly!

After one hot, busy summer, the first day of school at Olympic High School was a surprise for many students: a shiny new and improved commons. Bright faces greeted old friends and new surroundings. Although there's more to come for the students (construction continues behind...

SKL Affordable Housing Design Approved

SKL presented the Othello Square Affordable Homeownership Building for EDG approval Tuesday evening -"Very easy to review because the design options are grounded in human need. . ." Designed with the community in mind, the building will offer homes for families making 80% or less...

Big Truss Installed at Olympic HS

Korsmo Construction has just installed the 130' long, 8' tall "big truss" at Olympic High School.  It will support angled roof monitors that will bring daylight into the student commons space....

Grand Opening- New Entry Plaza at Lewis and Clark Law School

On March 19th, Lewis and Clark Law School in Portland will inaugurate its new entry plaza, designed by Rick Sundberg, complete with lit benches representing the 9 supreme court justices, split 4 to 5, of course, around the entry path.

Following in Thiry’s Footsteps

SKL is once again following in Paul Thiry's footsteps.  First, at the Frye Art Museum, and now at Lewis and Clark Law School in Portland, where new Admissions, Career Services, Classrooms, and an Entry Plaza are underway.   Image shows Gantenbein Hall (aka "the fishbowl") newly...

Olympic High School Receives PSE Grant

Olympic High School, currently under construction, has been awarded a $122,000 Conservation Grant Agreement from Puget Sound Energy for its remarkably low energy use.  Based on PSE's predictive modeling, the proposed building will use 70% less energy than code allows.  Thanks to Ecotope mechanical engineers,...

Olympic High School Starts Construction

Construction has started on the new Olympic High School in Kitsap County.  This picture shows the center portion of the school demolished, with the gymnasium wing in the background.  School is still in session using the remaining gymnasium and classroom wings, and the Trojans will...